Saturday, March 6, 2010


I am home alone this weekend. Unlike the Berlin trip, where I was excited to have the house to myself (because I wasn't all that interested in going to Berlin) this time I am very disgruntled. I am disgruntled because everyone in my house (except for me) are going to spend the night in Ireland's MOST haunted castle. The everyone in the photo class and people fortunate enough to have had their names drawn in the lottery (obviously I was not blessed with such fortune) are on their way right now. Actually they probably are already there, exploring the haunted towers and dungeon.

I am a wrinkled prune of jealousy.

So I decided to channel my bitter bitterness into something positive. I cleaned. Look how clean the kitchen is!

As I was mopping the floor I looked up to suddenly encounter at least ten sheep staring through the window at me. Ireland is a strange place. This picture should give you a good idea of what it was like:

I then watched as the my landlord chased them all off. Which then made me think of this:

Bloody weather.

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